Friday, July 18, 2008

Countdown - The Return of the Vagabond

T-minus 10 days...the countdown now begins for the biggest, brashest, most inexplicably bonking adventure in the history of nutty adventures. More brasher then Marco Polo's ramble to China (ahh! a mere walk in the park), more daring then Humboldt's bumbling about in the Amazon (ahh humbug! a walk through my garden), more testosterone-fuelled then Christopher Columbus's trip to the Americas (aha! a skip across a pond) and more full of virulence then 'Madame Gonorrhea's Den for Gentlemen of Disrepute'.

A trip that promises to be more full of wonderfully exciting people then an Asian wedding with the guests high on substance ego. More full of dodgy characters then the streets of Birmingham at half-past midnight on a Friday night. More riddled with sex then the nocturnal goings on in the 'Stoke Newington Parish for the Aged and Infirme' and more full of excitement then the monthly meets of the 'Solar-Powered Casio Calculator Appreciation Society of Mongolia' - whose motto is:

'sunlight is free, why waste it?'

Do not be deterred by those way-too-many charlatans on the world-wide-web claiming to be Vagabonds. They know not what it means. There is only one original. There is only one feranji. There is only one true Swashbuckling Vagabond.

Got me jabs
Got me rucksack
Got me towel
Got me balls
But most important of all...
Got me calculator

And it's solar-powered too.

'sunlight is free, why waste it?'