Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Review: My brand new Sony X-Series VAIO (the worlds lightest laptop)

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do.
I love small laptops.
I've always loved small laptops.

Over the years I have owned a succession of smaller and smaller laptops.
The first small laptop I purchased in Dubai. It was a Sony VAIO Z series. At the time it felt small, but now the same laptop, feels like a brick. That particular one weighed in at 3.5Kg.

The next portable laptop I purchased about 2 years ago. Again it was a Sony VAIO but a TZ Series. It was for a special mission so had to be light. It weighed a staggeringly feathery 1.2Kg with battery. Just to give you an idea, the new Macbook Air weighs 1.36kg AND it has no DVD drive. The Sony VAIO TZ weighed less AND it had an optical DVD RW drive! Go figure! I took it along with me tucked away in my rucksack to Pakistan, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Burma and India. It survived the trip. It survived numerous onslaughts. Jungles. Rivers. Mountains. Rain. Bugs. Snakes. Thieves. Earthquakes. Heat. Damp. It still lives. I still have it; though at home I tend to use my Macbook Pro. The great thing about the 1.2Kg Sony VAIO TZ was that it could do everything I wanted it to: Photoshop CS3 worked great on it which allowed me to process my travel photographs 'on the move'. It has great battery life - which is perfect for those far flung and cut off places where electricity blackouts occur often - such as Northern Pakistan. You never know when the power will return so a long battery life is a must.

I've now bought myself another portable laptop. Judging from the evolutionary history of my past laptop purchases you have probably guessed that this new addition is lighter still. Yes, it is. In fact; as it stands today, it is the lightest, smallest laptop in the world. Again it is a Sony VAIO and it is part of their new X-Series Range. It weighs a mind numbingly paltry 0.7Kg! (with battery). I'm typing on it right now, and when I hold it up with one hand it literaly weighs less than a paperback book. It is that light! This baby I'll be able to take with me wherever I go. I don't need to put it in a bag, I can just grab it with a book in my hand and shoot off. No more thinking: 'Oh, do I really want to carry a laptop around with me today?' - It doesn't matter. I won't even feel it in my hand.

The screen measures 11.1 inches, which is the same as my previous 1.2Kg TZ. In fact the screen has exactly the same high resolution image quality. Great for detailed Photoshop work. It is also very svelte measuring less than a cm in thickness. It has plenty of connectivity: 2 USB ports. A headphone jack. An SD card slot and another for the Sony Magic Gate memory sticks. Bluetooth. SIM card jack for mobile surfing anywhere on the planet - even Antarctica! The keyboard keys are cut out and placed in separate slots to aid typing. They are small, but for me it is no problem at all, since my fingers are small also. It has an inbuilt motion eye camera. It has 250Gb of Hard Disk space, 4GB of ram. A 2Ghz processor. It has a GPS tracking device in case I get lost somewhere and need to be rescued. Fat chance! Should I continue? Put it this way: It does everything my TZ did for me and weighs 500g less!

As you can tell I am extremely enamoured with it; so gushing with love for it! How Sony managed to pack all these goodies into a body that weighs 0.7Kg is beyond me. It really is a modern technological marvel. Jam-packed with electronic wizardry. This little thing has more computing power then the Apollo space mission.

It's the small portable lightweight take-everywhere-without-noticing laptop I've always wanted and dreamed about. It makes writing anywhere possible. It makes blogging a real pleasure! I will be taking it along with me on my next trip. This baby will see action. It'll be in my bag and I won't notice a thing...

And that, is the whole point. Isn't it?

Blogger Out.