After having posted the message below I have begun receiving a steady torid drip-drip of messages imploring me, nay begging me - to post extracts from my forthcoming book. No! Buzz off! Leave me alone! I will post extracts if and when I feel like it. Your incessant whining and dribbling and annoying sycophantic lovey-dovey rhapsodising ain't gonna change my mind. Yes, I know you can't wait. Yes, I know this will be the most influential book since the King James Bible. Yes, I know I am a living genius who has found his true vocation in life. Yes, I know you all love me. Yes, I know genius is sexy - but quit kneeling before me. It don't suit you. I'm not God. Well not yet anyway. A time will come I assure you, in the future, when an extract will be posted. An extract of such distilled potency that in the words of a famous Queen song: "Gunpowder, Gelatine. Dynamite with a laser beam. Guaranteed to blow your mind - anytime!'
So until then. Stay calm. Please. Otherwise you might go mad.