The world is full of people 'looking'
looking for answers
answers to their questions.
And throughout history...
for thousands of years
man has been looking for answers.
But what has he found?
What is the harvest of his fields?
Let's jump to the present,
lets skip to 2011
and let's look at the world
as it is today
and see the harvest of his fields,
the harvest of 50,000 years of thinking!
Has man figured it all out?
Or is it all still a mystery?
Looking at the world today
as I walk the streets of Stoke Newington
In the great city of London
In the great city of London
I see that man has never been more fortunate (lucky).
Never have his basic needs
been so well met.
I will give one example: Food
and from this we will learn much.
In the past, if you felt hungry,
you went out into the forest or jungle or desert or savanna
to find food.
If you didn't find any
then you didn't eat
and you went to sleep
on an empty stomach.
Oh yes! Life was hard!
you would starve and go hungry.
That was the naked rule of life.
Also, the foods you ate were of a limited variety - what you could grow or find.
Flour or rice. Beans and corn. Sorghum and Millet
the occasional animal that you caught:
perhaps a rat, a snake, or any wild animal you can think of,
And liquid water.
Fruits and Vegetables came later. Much later.
So for most of his history man has enjoyed
only a limited variety of flavours...
...and today?
Today as a modern man,
I walk into my Local Tescos
and I am attacked by a million taste sensations!
and I am attacked by a million taste sensations!
and what do I see?
Apart from the bright lights (which are like protection from the dark)
I see Tuna, freshly caught only yesterday, in the Indian Ocean
off the Maldives!
I see Mangoes
from the tropics
flown overnight on an aeroplane
I see Pineapples & Kiwi Fruits
and bright juicy strawberries
the colour of blood.
the colour of blood.
I see fat donuts hemorrhaging (leaking)
jam and pumped up
with cream filling. Fresh apple and orange juices.
Chicken. Lamb. Pork. Beef. Fish and so on...
...all marinated in spices, for extra flavour and oomph!
And when we feel hungry,
all we have to do
is walk into our local supermarket
and choose
what we want to eat.
It's so easy!
We don't have to go out and hunt it, or find it.
So used to have we become
to this way of life
that we don't think about it.
We accept it as normal.
Yet how wrong we are!
This is not normal! Go away!
This life we live today,
has only been like this for a few years - in a history of millions of years...
Life has never been easier - has it?
We live longer and more healthier lives
then ever before.
We know more, we understand more
we can all read and write (some better then others!)
We have access to whole libraries of books,
and Wikipedia!!
Oh and what a BIG yet!
Despite the above,
we are still 'looking' for answers,
answers to our questions
and no nearer the truth
of our existence...
it's all still a mystery to most of us.
What is going on here?
Is this some sort of a sick joke?
The problems of man
are compounded (made worse)
By the fact that he has a habit
of asking the wrong bloody questions!
Some of the questions we ask are:
what is the meaning of life?
What is it for?
What is it about?
Why am I here?
The truth is:
that all the above underlined parts
have turned the questions into
bad questions.
have turned the questions into
bad questions.
They are bad questions because they are
questions with no answers.
Ask a butterfly: "why are your wings so beautiful?" - how will it reply?
It will say: "I dunno! Because they are!"
The questions we should be asking are:
1) What is life? What am I? How did I get here?
2) What do I want?
3) Do I want to be happy and content? If so, what do I need to be happy? Is it what people and society say I need? Or does my heart say something else?
4) What really matters?
5) What is beyond my control and therefore not worth worrying about?
6) Does anything, in the end of the day, really matter from the vantage point of the Universe?
7) How do I find some genuine love in this world?
8) What shall I have for dinner tonight!
Every person is unique
with unique needs
That is why there is no single religion
to fit all.
For me there is no meaning
there is no purpose
Life is an accident
but once it started
in that warm chemical pond
4.8 billion years ago
there was no stopping it!
and here I am
and here you are
and here you are
the result!
For me,
I am just happy to have been given
a chance to live,
to open my eyes for a few brief years
upon this world and its people
before my eyes close forever.
And once closed,
those eyes of mine
will never open again,
and the things they saw and...
the things they felt,
will be forgotten, forever.
But for now,
at this very moment,
as I type these words,
my eyes are indeed open,
...and that is all that matters!