Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A sunshiny day in Trafalgar Square

Today was a smashing summerbright day. Amberbright sun warming my heart; loosening the bony grip of winters talons. It was colourful - colourbright. Trees and leaves trembling in apple green. Sky a rich blue oceanic expanse. Buses a burnished bumblebee red. My face a thick paintbrush smile. So I spent the day at Trafalgar Square. The heart of LondonTown. Watching the pigeon brigade boppin' and peckin like gangsta rappers'; and the super-charged tourists with cheesy digital camera smiles. Got asked to take a few pictures too: 'If you would just sit over there - that's right, lovely. And shall we try here, lovely, and lets try something a little different, ready, steady...say cheese!' and then the inevitable 'Wow! thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, we really like!' they beamed. 'My pleasure' I say and walk away with a lofty heart. Makes me feel something inside. Pride perhaps? Maybe.

Moving on - There's a spunky cool Vietnamese noodle bar just off china town. It's strictly for cool people only - like myself (
they can tell). The name of the establishment escapes me. There I was, at lunchtime, amongst dishsaucer steaming puddles of thick noodle soup, that you slobber down - served to a background of competing babels and screeching wallpaper patterns. I love it. Reminds me of 'Ho Chi Minh' city (aka Saigon - those were the days) - but without the torrential rainbursts - not Today anyway. Cos Today it is a smashing and Sunbeaming day. And I feel warm in my jacket. I have a summer version too. Will take it out.

I have a problem. The problem is this. I am incapable of performing the following simple task: Walk In To
BookShop - Then Walk out Of BookShop Without a Book. Do you understand? My predicament? I am ImpUlSivE CumPuLsivE...What to do about my ImpoSiBlY PoeTicaLY FasHiOnabLy ImpUlSive ComPuLsivEneS??? - Not go near a BookShop? Impossible - I'd die. No, seriously I would. I know this sounds a little bookwormy (a little?), so no fun making please, but I just love being surrounded by books. Yes surrounded by them, in a quiet niche, with a carpet, and that smell - of paper, Ha! and those lovely black 'Moleskine' notebooks - love those; got millions of em' - and then the fact that you can sink into those sumptuous leather chairs and while away a good portion of the day, in the splendour, of ink on paper. And here's another quirk of mine: If there's a book I really really like, and if there's two versions of it, say a £8.99 version and a £14.99 hardback sumptuous version - I always, always, go for the £14.99 decadent version. Why? Madness. Typeface. Better cover. Yes, madness. I love books with nice covers - it shows they have thought about it. I like that. At heart I am an aesthete. I love details. Passion shows itself in the details. Didn't you know that? Tut-tut. - and there you were thinking I was mad. Shame on you!
