Monday, January 26, 2009

My stars to be

Hear! All stars; ever to be

Weave me a future; conspire with me

Hear! All women; with beauty hold

My heart in clasp; in future mould

Hear! All creatures; with love of sort

A path through life; to have wrought

Hear! All princesses destined to be

Fairytales; at the bottom of the sea

Take! This love; but nay you say:

Why’d you take my heart; so far away?

I search in vain; where is my heart?

From mind and body; forg'd far apart

Cast asunder; tossed like shell

Tiny and adrift; on Pacific swells

I dreamt my heart; beached on sand

Spinning and whinying; nigh desert land

I ran and ran; till breath no more

My empty lungs; what are they for?

I search the forests; and land to sea

My tired eyes; no heart I see

But look up; tis writ on high

God give me wings; so I can fly?

No feathers I grow; for He has fled

The furnace swarms; above my head

I wept and wept; my tears afloat

Up and up; do lift this boat

Survey all; from aloft I can

A sea born; of tearful glands

Sailing upon; an Ark you see

Given to ponder; this eternal sea

Of drifting junks and corroded lives

I pity those;

With no tears to cry
