Monday, April 05, 2010

Coming soon...Adventures at a Pakistani wedding I went to recently (and almost died at)

Warning: This blog post (when it is written) will be extremely funny. There is a real risk of heart and lung failure due to extreme funnyness. If you are unsure whether you can handle such levels of funnyness please consult your funnyness practitioner for guidance. If you do not have a funnyness practitioner then please carry out the following self-test:

1) Locate your tickle muscles
2) They can be found right below your armpits
3) Please find a hand that belongs to somebody else
4) Ask the person whom the hand belongs to, to gently stroke at the tickle muscle nodes (but please make sure you have cleaned your armpits before - for health reasons)
5) If, after stroking of the tickle muscle node, there is a deep expiration of air from your lungs followed by a squeaky-girly tickling sound from your lips - congratulations! You are a tickly bum loaded with tickles. You have passed the tickle test



