Saturday, June 12, 2010

August trip essential travel item no.1 : Moleskine Journal Notebook


Travelling to the Himalayan Kingdoms of Tibet and Nepal can be a mind jangling experience. Not only does the altitude 'do things' to you, but at these heights the sky is of such a dense chrome-blue that looking up is akin to drowning; as if you're swimming on the surface of an ocean sky. Someone once remarked that those who visit mountain-tops are half in love with themselves and half in love with oblivion. I prefer the words of the unknown poet who said:

'You can feel lonely in a city crowd, but you will find solitude in a mountain-top'

Solitude is a state of mind of deepest contemplation and inner repose - it is the exact opposite, nay the Antipodean, of loneliness. Sublime landscapes (peaks - deserts - steppes - glaciers) encourage heady contemplation by virtue of their inexplicable scale and sheer aloofness. The mind tries to grasp at these mountains of the mind, to scale their dizzy heights, to unfurl their primeval mystery. But the mystery lies not in inert rocks or crags or sun-dappled peaks. It lies within all of us and you must fish for it internally. The Moleskine is my preferred notebook of choice for 'fishing' for things connected with this grand mystery - this La Grand Briteche (as Honore de Balzac once described it). Armed with a Moleskine, and pen at the ready, I can embark upon courageous expeditions to the tops of mountains of the mind, all from the comfort of...a room. A room with a view. Of white bearded mountains and poplar trees. Imagine. Just imagine...

Beautifully constructed. Leather bound. Non-bleed hallowed paper. Fine ruled. Perfect fit-in-your-pocket-sized. With one of these in your pocket and a pen in hand you'll never be lost for words. An essential travel companion. A friend to trust with your innermost darkest most moribund of thoughts.