Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A heart

i have a heart you know
it beats like any heart really
c'ept it beats louder
and pumps harder than most
filling my veins with an un-godly vice
that goes to my head
and sets fire
to my imagination...

i do have a heart you know
wandering in a starry wasteland somewhere
if you look carefully
you can see it amongst the myriad stars
shining brighter then
the farthest galaxies
Oh yeah!

i really do have a heart you know
and it aches like any other heart
and quivers too;
sometimes it stops beating for a while
as if in a trance, wandering off somewhere;
on super-fantastic adventures no doubt
Oh yeah!

i do have a heart you know
and it'll keep on beating forever
ever and ever and ever
until time says: stop!
but even time can't stop it you know
cos it's a special heart you see
and it'll keep on beating
and the evers will go on
till there are no more trees in the forest
or pages in this book

it's a really strange heart you know
my heart
and it can't help it really
and it doesn't care anymore
what little people think
what the world expects
or the gods decree

cos it's a real heart you see
and that's what real hearts are s'posed to do
be free