Saturday, June 02, 2007

London - The Rover Returns

Yes, I have finally returned to London after a long absence. The time away has opened my eyes and my mind and left an indelible mark on me. Walking through central London yesterday, I didn't notice, till somebody pointed it out to me, I was wearing a permanent smile. It was a permanent fixture on my face as I strolled through aimlessley. taking it all in; the faces of the people; a great mass of people; of every nationality - rush-rush-rush. Jostling, hurrying, going somewhere. God knows where. Here you blend into the organic mass, nobody takes a second look, nobody notices, you are for all intents and purposes invisible; Anonymous. How easy it is to disappear in London! Melt away into the crowd. Never to be seen again. Bought a new jacket yesterday. Even with the sun out it can get a bit chilly. 'Energie' that's the brand, from a nice little store in Carnaby Street; it's off Regents street so you must visit if you're ever in London.

Spent yesterday idling about really. Bought an Oyster Card for travel and maxed it out. Coffee, people watching and watched a movie - This Is England (about Racism in 1983). And the bookshops! - I'd forgotten how great London's bookshops are! - London has the best bookshops in the world bar none. You have your Waterstones, Foyles etc...but you also have your independents too; these little dusty stores, with ancient owners who peer at you through the rim of their spectacles. You walk in and you feel that you will be engulfed by the numerous titles that line every available wall space from floor to ceiling. There's books on every conceivable subject, whatever takes your fancy.

Today, It's a lovely day, the sun's out, a bit chilly but perfect for walking around in. Meeting up with a mate for a good old pub lunch then I'm off to the Tate Modern as they've got a photography exhibition on - This is London!