Thursday, January 03, 2008

Coming soon...The Karakoram Highway et al (Pakistan-China-Mongolia-Tibet)

In the footsteps of Marco Polo, Ibn Batutta and the merchants of the Silk Road. From Northern Pakistan's wild Pashtun provinces (where the men are real men, the sheep are real sheep and the women suitably wild and exotic) and across the perilous Karakoram Highway that hugs the arid Himalayan steppes and onwards towards deepest, darkest, China. Thence to Mongolia and Ulan Bator and from whence to the fabled city of Shangri-La in Tibet (if it exists of course). A Journey of high-jinx, courage, majestic vistas, the tyranny of love and festering passions. A story of redemption, spiritual awakening, lots of Tea and the dreaded stomach bug. In search of the answers to the ultimate questions, like: 'What shall I have for dinner tonight?' or 'Am i being ripped off by this scummy hotel?' and 'Does this official want baksheesh?'- A motion picture shot in SLR Dulux® Dream clarity for the ultimate immersive experience.