Thursday, November 20, 2008

Does anybody care?

What do you do if, when leaving McDonald's sipping a Coke, a little skinny street kid (4-5 years old maybe) tugs at your sleeve pointing to your drink?
He wants your drink. He doesn't want money. He wants your drink.

Do you ignore him? Do you quicken your pace? Do you shoo him away?

No, you're so surprised by the request that you find yourself loosening the grip on the drink. He takes it off you and with his older brother scuttles off. You continue walking. But something is nagging you. What is nagging you? Yes, the drinks carton was almost empty when he took it off you! That bothers you. The fact that it was almost empty. So you head back hoping to find the kids and lo and behold there they are! The two of them, taking turns sipping what's left of your drink.

'You want full drink?' you ask

The little one's eyes light up and he points towards the corn vendors stall.
'You want corn?' you ask surprised
He nods his head
You have better ideas:

You take the two of them to the ice-cream parlour (everybody inside watching you as you walk in) and ask them what they want. They point at the big poster of the chocolate sundae splashed across the wall. That's what they want. The big chocolate sundae - the biggest thing on the menu! Their little sister then comes in (8 years old) clutching a little scrawny baby. You order the same for her too.

The little one, standing in front of you, watches intently as his ice-cream is prepared. He watches as it oozes into the cup. He licks his lips as the chocolate fudge is poured all over it. He takes delight in the whole transaction. This is the same kid who has probably spent many a day with his nose pressed against the glass of the ice-cream parlour, watching from outside. And today? Today he is a customer! You take delight in watching him. He even asks for the change. The cheek!

'You keep the ice-cream and I'll keep the change' you say to him.

There's queue forming behind you now. Eyes still watching you. Do you feel ashamed? Of course not. It is they who should feel ashamed. You wonder whether apart from the odd rupee if any of these heartless fuckers has ever shown any compassion? Does anybody have a heart? Does anybody care?

You leave the kids with there ice-creams. You head back to your hotel. It's time you got out of here. Tomorrow you're leaving. Tomorrow you go back home. Home sweet home. Where people care.

And have a heart.
