Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Karakoram Highway - Coming Late July..

(Wikipedia): The Karakoram Highway (KKH) is the highest paved international road in the world. It connects China and Pakistan across the Karakoram mountain range, through the Khunjerab Pass, at an altitude of 4,877 metres (16,002 feet). It connects China's Xinjiang region with Pakistan's Northern Areas and also serves as a popular tourist attraction. Due to it's high elevation and the difficult conditions in which it was constructed, it is also referred to as the "Ninth Wonder of the World"

The Karakoram Highway will form the first stage of a 9-12 month wandering arc across Central and South Asia. After getting off the train from Rawalpindi to Havelian (the official start of the KKH), I plan to head conspicously and assidiously northwards into Mansehra and the Hunza Valley, with digressions to the Nanga Parbat massif (9th highest mountain in the world), across the Gilgit area, chill out in Karimabad and thence across the Khunjerab Pass into China and so to Kashgar. This will complete stage 1 - which may last anywhere between 1-2 months

Stage 2 begins in Kashgar and will either end in Ulanbator in Mongolia or Lhasa in Tibet (depending on my mood at the time)

Stage 3 involves crossing Nepal, by Stage 4 we should be in Utter Pradesh in India (where the sordid street life of Calcutta await my lens and my ears and the refreshing teas of quaint Darjeeling), Stage 5 is a ramble down the eastern flank of India down through the southern Tamil states toooooo... the very tip of India, where Stage 6 starts upon a chugging short ferry hop across the Palk Straits into Sri-Lanka.

Yes, this trip is pretty much powered by the whimsies of mood and caprice and a desire to see some of the most disgusting and filthy hotels in existence (only kidding). With no itinerary, no deadlines, no timetable, minimal belongings and a faint and distant desire to be in Sri Lanka by the end, this trip promises to morph into quite an adventure and most likely a hugely unpleasant experience for my stomach. And my ears. And my nose. And my eyes. And my mind. For which I will now apologise to my body for the ravages that will no doubt beset it. There will be no aeroplanes, no luxury hotels, no taxis, no expensive restaurants, only public transport and cheap and cheerful lodgings with equally cheap and cheerful hotel owners and the complimentary bed bugs (with cold scolding showers and squat toilets for added comfort)...
...alright, alright, occasionally I may splurge on a little luxury (but only cos I deserve it!)

But plans may change though. Who knows? Life has a tendency to do that. Bite you up the ass. I may like Northern Pakistan and Gilgit soooooooooo much that I may stay there, in a room, with a view, for a whole year...with nothing but my pad, pen and those bearded mountains to keep me company...

(KKH Pictures: Alfred Molon)